Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pico Peak / Inn at the Long Trail

Another summer in Florida so its up north hiking for this flatlander.

We hopped on the trail on Route 4 in Killington Vermont

The Long Trail and the Appalachian Trail run together from the Vermont / Mass border to about 1 1/2 miles north of the Trail Head on RT 4. The Long Trail Continues north, while the Appalachian Trail Heads to Maine. I guess that's why they call it the Maine Junction.

This is Moose country, however this is as close as we got to seeing one. The bugs were huge, and carnivorous. I thought Florida had some nasty flying critters.

Pico Peak, while a beautiful ski resort, is privately owned. By skirting the other side of Pico, the AT and LT can travel over public lands. Many through hikers still like to use the old route, as we found out by reading the journal in the pico camp, There was even a post from Fraggle who we had met at the camp under mount abe the year before.

The Camp was an original. The "Quill Pig" that lived underneath the structure had wreaked Havoc on the old wood building. We decided to climb up to Pico before we unpacked.

Nervous about getting attacked by porcupines, we decided to take a nap, then continue on to the Inn on the Long Trail. What a beautiful view of dear leap and beyond.

We got some good food and a hiker suite for the three of us. They treat the hikers really good. We had a good dinner and watched the 30 for 30 ESPN story about the Escobars. The US was playing Algeria in the morning, and the Inn was showing it in the pub. The US ended up winning in dramatic fashion.

We hiked back to the Gifford Woods State Park (The AT goes right through the campsite) and hiked to the nearby pond and waterfall. Nelly loved swimming with the loons.

On the back we stopped at Warren Falls. Check out the video below of Kyle jumping off the cliff into the pool bellow.

It started to pour as I was leaving. Here is an angry shot of APPGAP on the way to New York.

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