Monday, February 9, 2015

Up Reedy creek to Livingston Creek Bridge back down to Lake Arbuckle

Kyle Kim Trevor and Jacque tackle Reedy Creek near Frostproof.

We got a late start and by the time we had shuttled vehicles and spoke to the russian dude collecting creek data (what a waste of money) it was 2:00 PM. 
The put in at the panty snatcher bridge.

Good fun was had imagining what the panty snatcher looked like. Dude drew a picture on his blog.
The Kiz had read or saw or knew about this FT bridge they built upstream, so we started up the creek.
The creek had many trees down and had not been cleared for a while. There was a portage involved and I thought no way we were going to make it to the FT bridge. Then we crossed into private property which was pretty well maintained. Kyle and Trevor had to lug the canoe over dry land. I was complaining that once again we were going to arrive at the camp site after dark. It was 4:30 by the time we reached the FT bridge.

I hurried the gang up and tried to rush downstream to make it to the camp site before dark. But too late it was dark and we needed flash lights. Then we noticed Kyle and Trevor were not with us. We waited about 10 minutes and I started thinking that they flipped the canoe and were not coming to the camp site. Kim and I decided to go back upstream to where the car was parked. All our gear was in the canoe including food. After a good 20 minutes paddling up stream we finally ran into Kyle and Trevor. Kim is pissed. We thought the Panty Snatcher had gotten the boys and we were really worried. We still had not found the campsite. The temperature was dropping fast and all my clothes were wet, and we had no idea where we were going, and it was pitch black. Who knows where the creek goes and if we were to run into a portage situation, I would have started crying. Next thing we know we run into a downed tree. Kim gets hung up in the tree so we wait at the bank for him. Then Kyle announces we are there. The ranger was supposed to have flagged the campsite, but no ribbon was found. We were lucky to find the campsite. It is 80 % under water with a stream running through the middle. We set up in the 20% dry area and settle in for the night. We find three nice pieces of lighter pine and we cook the marinated steak on the bakery rack grill. We wrap up the steaks in some comida tortillas (3.99), some Dollar General cheese, rice and some Louisiana hot sauce. Best camp food ever.

Kim is still pissed and tries to go to sleep for the night. Kyle T and I stay warm by the fire.

I am well prepared with an air mattress, us army issue sleeping bag, and a tent. Kim and Trev are not prepared and struggle through the night. Kyle is used to it. Low 44. The camp site should have looked like this

But ended up looking like this
Trev complains about the nights sleep and I say "Man up Boy". It seems to work as we pack up and get ready to get back on the creek.

The big tree down on the creek at the campsite is climbable and special.

The lake was supposed to be a half hours paddle from the campsite, but we ran into some problems (what else is new). The first portage comes early and I ponder the idea of going back upstream. If theres one theres bound to be 4. But Kim is gone and it looks like we are going to portage. 5 portages and two hours later we finally hit the lake. We arrive at the Lake Arbuckle Campsite. What a beautiful spot on the Lake.
Check out these awesome benches built right into the cyprus trees.

We decide we will go get something to eat at Jay Bees and head back towards my vehicle. On the side of the road is a rotting carcass of a hog with at least 20 vultures and an unknown bird. Turns out its a juvenile bald eagle. Pretty cool way to finish the trip.

We had read about this paddle on a rando blog...

I used his photos freely and I credit him now.

I thought this guy was funny and was looking forward to this adventure. I will give you my top 4 lines from this guys blog.

1 Well, unless you have an airboat, a magic wand, or the Jesusy ability of being able to tip-toe across the water’s surface, you won’t be accessing any of the lakeside campsites.  The plant life around the entirety of Lake Arbuckle is thicker than 70’s bush, and you’re not sliding a boat through that tangled mess. 

2 Truth be told, though, I found it pretty funny trying to imagine a creature living under a bridge, only coming out at night to snatch panties.  Half rabbit man, half bird snake, half fish…

3 Every hair-pin turn sent my behemoth craft barreling into trees, bushes, logs, or right up into the weeds, where I had to struggle to free myself every single time.    I felt like I was driving a semi truck on a go-kart track.

4 there was no way I was making that entire trip again, fighting against the current. If there is a hell and I go there, I will spend eternity on that creek going back upstream.

Fun Reading

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blue Cypress Paddle

The Kiz had talked about paddling Blue Cypress Lake for sometime and with the opening on a Sunday afternoon in Vero with my Mom, we decided to meet at Middletons Fish Camp. We put in on the concrete ramp and proceeded to enter into the film set for the creature from the black lagoon,

The Seahawks were loud and did not like us near their nests.

The kiz talked about a blue cypress kayak race. I beat him twice in "featured races" the caspia lives.

The creek 1/2 mile north of Middletons was partially blocked so we only got up it a short way. When we got back we found that it goes all the way to the turnpike....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

FTA and FMNP paddle the Sante Fe River

The Florida Trail Association and the Florida Master Naturalist Program partnered together for this high water paddle down the Sante Fe River

A small gathering made it to this last minute paddle a week after Tropical Storm Debbie had filled up the Sante Fe and Suwanee Rivers
Beautiful day for a paddle
Click Play to view video of Rick Testa and a log in the Sante Fe

The big guy casts a long shadow on the Sante Fe
Happy Jack in his Yak
Karie near the stanchions of the old bridge at 27
Florida Master Naturalist Graduate Rick Testa gives valuable instruction on Kayaking and Karst Geology
Green Heron
Dragonfly with big eyes
Kids by the River
You cant say you were not warned
Naked Ed having Lunch
Typical signage at Lily Springs
No need for a lot of paddling today. The current was running swiftly.
Washed up Picnic Benches from the Tropical Storm Debbie.
Front Row parking for the kayaks
Lunch at Rum Island
Submerged Picnic Table
The bridge that was
Foundation crumbled under Debbie's Flood
Sun Bathers
Cypress Trees along the banks were amazing
Wild Pine
Hey Bill watch out for that stringer

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lake Panasofkee

The Kiz had heard of this great Lake Panasofkee, and the springs that fed it. We got some bad info from the vendor and ended up hugging the coast of "Lake Pan" and winding up almost stuck in the muck that was Big Jones Creek. The Kiz got the good info from the fisherman and headed to Little Jones Creek, "unike anything you have seen in Florida".